Apa's Story
Maria the Disobedient lived up to her name. She looked for her king for many years. When that king was nowhere to be found, she compromised to “any king.” Yet, she lived in torpid times, where kings were just a copy of a polyester kinda human and where solid basic morality changed into robust rubbish. So, no real kings.
Maria lost interest in continuing her search, but her knightly nature wouldn't allow any stall or any cease-fire and pushed her to cross lines that ordinary people do not cross.
Apa dress material is 100% silk obtained from different recycled items. It was sewn by hand in the majority of its details. The artist’s wish for this original item was to create a series of sensorial waves and lines that break expected patterns. As a unique feature, the dress contains hematite beads sewn in predictable lines as well as unecplacted points, as well as a section where the artist used fabric paint to enhance the idea of liquid.
Apa dress is an authentic and unique item - it is one of a kind - and The Noblesse Oblige will not reproduce it in material forms. Possible imperfections are proof of the item’s authenticity.

If you are interested in learning more about this piece or would like to learn about purchase options, please contact us
The use of images of items created by The Noblesse Oblige is exclusive to The Noblesse Oblige even after being sold and can be used on The Noblesse Oblige sites, social media, and art expositions. Any use of the images for any purpose should be requested directly to The Noblesse Oblige.