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About NO

The Noblesse Oblige and the artist were united in the same idea at the exact moment, and although it feels like the gestation took eons, they were born as a single entity a couple of years ago. The human artist was born behind the heavy curtains of the communist block when uniformization was the only way to exist, and the desire to explore personal uniqueness clashed heavily with conformity and rigid standards.

Alas, the other world was nothing less than conformity in expensive uniforms, and the artist understood that authenticity was the most desirable and demanding nature because its prerequisite is stubborn work in the uncharted territories of courage, individuality, and truth.

The most painful realization was seeing the decadence of common sense when noble materials were abandoned to their sad and slow death while deriding authenticity, the noblest act of human creation.

Hence, the artist listened to these noble materials, each with a mysterious story: they speak through their colors and touch. They all asked for new chances of a happy existence, so the artist took the courage and gave them new and unique lives.

In the belief that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, and with the hope that The Noblesse Oblige’s creations will whisper their uniqueness to those who can hear, the artist chooses to remain anonymous.


We will be in touch soon.

What is noblesse oblige?

Noblesse oblige is the core value of moral obligation. The original french term, literally translating to "nobility obligates," spawned from the belief that those of noble birth, wealth, and privilege were obligated to help those less fortunate. We encourage denizens of the 21st century to apply this principle through their own interpretation. 

We hold as a core of our creative process the obligation to re-use and cherish those valuable materials that the earth has given us while using our privilege of location, opportunity, and creativity to fashion something of beauty and grace. 

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